Old Vintage Antique

Port di Napoli. Naples, Italy. ADMIRALTY sea chart 1937 (1955) old vintage map

Port di Napoli. Naples, Italy. ADMIRALTY sea chart 1937 (1955) old vintage map

Port di Napoli. Naples, Italy. ADMIRALTY sea chart 1937 (1955) old vintage map   Port di Napoli. Naples, Italy. ADMIRALTY sea chart 1937 (1955) old vintage map

Mediterranean - Italy - West Coast - Port di Napoli. Large British nautical sea chart.

Sea charts such as this were working navigational aids which were commonly updated and corrected during their working lives by hand annotation and/or printed overlays. They may also feature manuscript navigational notes, comments or other markings, 1937 (1955). Title of map:'Mediterranean - Italy - West Coast - Port di Napoli. DATE PRINTED: Surveyed to 1949. IMAGE SIZE: Approx 69.5 x 102.5cm, 27.25 x 40.5 inches (Large); Please note that this is a folding map. ARTIST/CARTOGRAPHER/ENGRAVER: From the Italian Government chart of 1949 with corrections to 1953. Published at the Admiralty under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral J.

TYPE: Large British nautical sea chart. They may also feature manuscript navigational notes, comments or other markings.

VERSO: There is nothing printed on the reverse side, which is plain. CONDITION: Good; suitable for framing. The map has a printed correction overlay. Virtually all antiquarian maps and prints are subject to some normal aging due to use and time which is not obtrusive unless otherwise stated.

AUTHENTICITY: This is an authentic historic print, published at the date stated above. I do not offer reproductions. It is not a modern copy. The term'original' when applied to a print means that it was printed at the first or original date of publication; it does not imply that the item is unique.

Print' means any image created by applying an inked block to paper or card under pressure by any method including wood engraving, steel engraving, copperplate, wood cut and lithography. REMARKS: FRANCE: Gravures et Cartes anciennes. DEUTSCHLAND: Alte Lankarten und Stadt ansichten.

ITALIA: Stampe e Mappe antiche. ESPAÑA: Mapas antiquos y impresiones antiguas.
Port di Napoli. Naples, Italy. ADMIRALTY sea chart 1937 (1955) old vintage map   Port di Napoli. Naples, Italy. ADMIRALTY sea chart 1937 (1955) old vintage map